Saturday, July 20, 2019

Camp Reforma 2019

           Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long.... in the last month we have been very busy. I got braces, made more friends, and went to camp. My church had a camp two weeks ago. It lasted 3 days and we had countless adventures. I can't go into very much detail because it was so exciting and detailed. Instead of that I can do a quick overview.
           When I first heard about the camp I didn't really want to go. I decided to pray about going because I didn't want to miss out on what God had planned. After praying about it, I needed to go.
          On Friday, a few weeks later, I found myself rushing around with last minute packing. Which of course for me, included a whole lotta stressing and worrying. #queenofoverreactions ;) When we arrived at the church we hung out with some of the gringos from the youth group. We had fun watching the team of gringos arrive and pile out of the van. Trust me, that's not the weirdest thing I've done, and after being gringo-starved, we have the right to be creepy with gringos. Right?
         We began the process of getting everything loaded onto the bus. With a group of 40+ people this took a considerate amount of time. While that was happening, we went inside to play an icebreaker. It was like an advanced round of rock-paper-scissors-shoot, and not to brag... but I won three times ;)
          Anyway, we got onto the bus and took off for what was supposed to be a three hour drive. Key word: “supposed”.  We got stuck in traffic for an hour and then we had to wait for an hour on the side of the road (I think someone got sick). For the first half of the drive I sat with Jordyn and her new friend Angie, hoping someone would talk to me. I almost fell asleep, but Selvin, one of the leaders, asked me if I was tired!
The bus was three to a seat. I ended up sitting on a speaker system in the back for the necessary space bubble...

         We made a restroom stop and when we got back to the bus Jordyn and Angie kicked me out of the seat so I moved to the back. I was able to meet a bunch of the guys who ended up being in my group. I even had a conversation with one of them where I was only speaking Spanish and he was only speaking English. I'm crazy proud about that ;)
        The second day we had a Mega Match in the pool. It included races and tug of war. The Lobos were formed out of the purple team and the yellow team, while Team Cap was the blue and red teams. The Lobos won most of the Mega Match. We also had a treasure hunt which was a lot of fun and it was challenging... my team, despite starting last, won second place. :)
        That night we had a special dinner. Everyone wore face paint and a headband\crown. We all sat at our assigned seats and received letters from our family which was really awesome:)
Hiding out in the air conditioned cabins before being tortured by the hundred degree heat and a campfire

        We had a campfire at 9:30. We couldn't get very close to it without melting from the heat and humidity. I really enjoyed the worship time we had there though. Even after the fire had died out we hung out and sung and talked for a long time.
       The next day, we had to get up early to take a group photo with the gringos before they left.
Because my cabin was still sleeping, I snuck out of the cabin for the photo. By the time I returned my whole cabin was empty. I assumed they would be back, and they assumed I had gone with my dad... which I had not.
        After breakfast, the Super Match began. I'm not sure what was more fun - watching people dance around in emoji "balls" or running the obstacle course. I was planning to do the emoji run, but in a practice round, I fell from running too fast (of course I was the one who fell LOL). I was able to do the obstacle course. Nataly and I were the last Lobos to run (no pressure, right?). We won the obstacle course, which added to our points as the final and ultimate topper, to win. The Lobos won for camp and we'll come back strong next year!
         The bus ride home was about three hours, and we came home to fireworks and confetti. :D
The next Sunday, we all grouped up and talked about camp. The same thing happened at Youth Group the following Saturday.
         Sorry for such a long post. Honestly this is a very abbreviated form of the whole of camp. I filled eleven pages in my journal, and used up about three hours on it. I praise God for blessing me (and Jordyn) with this amazing chance to know people at church. It has been a truly encouraging experience for me. Anyway, all of this happened about three weeks ago so rest assured, you will receive an exciting post about the last three weeks soon. It includes everything from eating bugs to getting cool hair wraps! God loves you.

           If you wish to continue receiving these posts, please let me know or subscribe to this website.

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